Reclaim your happiness. Prioritize self-care.

Mother for 18 years
Spoken to 1000s of caregivers
Caregiver for 15 years
Chopra Certified Meditation Teacher
Nicole Dauz is a self-care coach for autism parents and parents of children with disabilities. Ottawa, ON Canada
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Nicole headshot

Helping parents prioritize self-care so they can lead happier lives for themselves, their family, and children with autism and disabilities.

Your pocket roadmap to self-care.

five stars
“A must read for all caregivers”
self-care book cover

Are you experiencing caregiver burnout?

No “me time”

You feel guilty taking time for yourself.

Constantly worried

You question yourself and worry about the future.

Emotional chaos

You’re experiencing a myriad of conflicting emotions.

Overwhelmed & tired

You feel like you’re running on fumes.

No “me time”

You feel guilty taking time for yourself.

Constantly worried

You question yourself and worry about the future.

Emotional chaos

You’re experiencing a myriad of conflicting emotions.

Overwhelmed & tired

You feel like you’re running on fumes.
It’s impossible to thrive when you’re in survival mode.
Nicole's family photo
Nicole's family photo

I’m Nicole Dauz. I help caregivers regain control of their lives.

As a mother of two and caregiver to my daughter with autism and a rare genetic disease, Summer, I empathize with your experience.

In my Caregiver Transformation Program, I save parents years of trial, error, and struggle in their journey to personal fulfillment as a caregiver.

My holistic approach to coaching begins by looking inward to identify self-sabotaging behaviours preventing your happiness.

I will help you reclaim your identity beyond your role as a caregiver and the guilt you have in prioritizing yourself.

Finally, we’ll develop a customized self-care roadmap that limits obstacles to becoming the best version of yourself.

Your journey from burnout to self-care is within reach.

After the program, you will feel:


You’ll know how to untangle yourself from your emotions so you can control your thoughts and mood.


You’ll write a new script for your life so you can commit to a better version of yourself.


You’ll prioritize self-care to achieve emotional, physical, social, and spiritual harmony in your life.

Regain control
of your life

Results from consistent coaching

Parents who have worked with Nicole to shift their perspective on caregiving.

With Nicole’s guidance, I was able to identify activities that bring me joy and give myself permission to take time for me. Taking off the caregiver hat and taking time away from my family gave me an outlet to recharge and regain control of my thoughts, energy and patience. I’m forever grateful for the shift that I experienced.

Parent Caregiver

Nicole helped me regain control of my thoughts, actions, and practice self-care activities. I felt guilty at first, but it was actually a gift to my family. Now, I have more patience and am better equipped to respond with love and compassion when my daughter has a tantrum.

Parent Caregiver

As the mother of a son with special needs, I told myself I didn’t have time for myself because he needed me. Nicole helped me see that taking time away from my family was exactly what I needed to regain control of my thoughts and emotions. Before Nicole, I thought that my wants didn’t matter. Now I know how terribly wrong I was!

Parent Caregiver

Are you ready to choose happiness?

If you’re ready to commit to your self-care journey, book a call with Nicole to see if you're a good fit for the program.

Become mentally stronger

Learn to balance your emotions,
even when it's hard.

Develop problem solving skills

Learn to adapt to situations
outside of your control.

Learn to love
yourself again

Build healthy habits you
can sustain long term.

The Caregiver
Well Being Assessment

Simple strategies to manage the
emotions you’re feeling.
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